You’ve seen “Big Ben” hundreds of times but did you know you can visit the top of the tower and see and visit Big Ben for yourself? Big Ben being the largest of the 5 bells of course and not the actual tower itself (The Elizabeth Tower). A chance to see the famous bells being struck, that have been heard, but not seen, by millions of people around the world. It’s not a tourist attraction like the ‘The London Eye’ or ‘Tower of London’ so you can’t simply rock up and buy a ticket. So you can climb the 334 steps to visit Big Ben and walk behind the opal inlay clock faces but only a), if you are a UK resident, and b), if you’ve contacted your local MP, or been invited by a member of the House of Lords first … if you know a friendly Lord that is. I know that webpack-dev-server 4.0.0 recently came out a few weeks ago and has removed the need for a workaround of target: web when you have browserslist in your package.json. Therefore I need to find a method to add plugins to my webpack configuration.

After updating my react-scripts to the latest version the react-app-rewire-provide-plugin is not supporting. I for one like the fact it isn’t a mainstream tourist attraction, with a process and privilege to being “invited” up. Hi there, I have read through this thread and am not sure why the webpack config for my project does not seem to be working. To provide plugins to webpack, I used react-app-rewire-provide-plugin. Unfortunately it’s not available to overseas visitors though.Īnother “catch” is that the tour is generally fully booked up 6 months in advance and currently it’s closed for 3 years for vital maintenance with the last tour being back in December 2016. There’s likely to be a waiting list until at least 2021 before you get another opportunity. Fair warning: Im no expert on this stuff, Im just playing around with video on the web and addressing some issues I have when showing off video clips in. So after contacting my local MP Peter Lilley I received the coveted invite, booked the half day off from work and looked forward to attending (I also requested an invite to watch Prime Minister’s Questions too!) On the day itself you actually meet on the side of the road at Portcullis House, where the MPs have their offices. At this point you’re subjected to a variety of security checks, one of which was no bags or cameras, so this blog post has no internal photos of my own. Once on the tour you walk through a “secret” tunnel underneath the busy road and appear on the other side.
#Webpack patternlab livereload not working code#
There are separate tours taking you to Parliament but the “Big Ben” tour is all about the tower itself. 1 Screen Shot at 11.13.26 AM598×507 50.9 KB When I use the development server (ionic serve) in my old dev config, it no longer detects code changes. A tight windy stone staircase with 115 steps take you up to the first room. Here you hear about who designed the tower, who built it, how long it took etc.

All the questions and answers you might expect. Source: The Times Next up is the room that holds the clock mechanism. Think cogs, wheels, levers, rods, pulleys and a 4m long pendulum that disappears into the floor.

Big Ben’s accuracy for 150 years has been aided by a simple stack of old coins but some of these were replaced in 2009 by a new £5 to mark the 2012 Olympics.